Favorite places:The beach

The Beach

Photo Courtesy of: https://pixabay.com/photos/beach-paradise-island-palm-trees-1761410/

It would't matter the beach and it doesn't have to be a particular beach. The ocean and sand followed by the crashing waves upon the shoreline is all that's needed. Strolling in the dark only hearing the ocean sounds with a warm ocean breeze. This is all that is needed all that is needed is a beach. I've only been to a few, but always feel this where I would want to end up at.


  1. Given a choice between the beach and the mountains, I'm always going to choose the beach too, Nic! As for India, it is famous both for its mountains and for its beaches: slideshow of best beaches in India. Now if we could just all take a field trip to the beach of our choice in India for this class! :-)
    With links in Blogger, you can create link text and not show the URL; that's easier on the eyes, esp. for long web addresses. So your link here could be: Pixabay. You can give that style a try in your next post and see how it works.

  2. Anderson I agree with you beaches are so amazing and peaceful, even though summer is over I feel like getting out some nice hot bikini and lay on the beach with sound of waves in the background for music and thin slippery sand as my bed. I would love to go fish and cook a fish over a bon fire definitely an experience of living in the wild. I have always wanted to be strangled on an island with the love of my life and just us both focusing on surviving and being there for each other and living away from the civilization.


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